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For Organizations

Young business woman
Getting Started with Skill Data

Does your organization need expert advice on building a skills data strategy? Have you started down the path of developing a strategy, but are stuck making progress? 

This consulting package will provide your organization a step-by-step process for developing a skills strategy that works for your needs by guiding you through:

  • Developing your priority use cases for skill data

  • Identifying key sources of skill data

  • Evaluating the skills technologies and platforms that best meet your needs

  • Creating guidelines around skill proficiencies/levels, confidence levels, keeping data up to date, employee privacy, and integration standards for your technology ecosystem.

Colleagues Brainstorming
Baseline Expertise Analysis

Do you have a working skills strategy, but you just don't have data that you can trust? 

We have developed an AI-driven process for quickly analyzing your employees' strengths and a system for social validation that will provide you with data that your employees and their managers trust. By creating unique expertise profiles for your teams, we provide the data you need to power your skills-based systems without getting mired down in meaningless skill data.

Mountain climber at the peak
Setting Targets and Goals

Do you have a baseline view of your team or organizational expertise, but you're not where you think you should be? 

We will work with you to evaluate your team's or organization's expertise against your competitive market data and set realistic targets and goals for building out critical areas of expertise where gaps exist. Whether through upskilling or reskilling initiatives, internal mobility to better distribute expertise, creating more diverse teams, or better targeting expertise through talent acquisition, our team will help you chart a path to your future.

Male colleague in meeting suggesting steps to success
Ongoing Expertise Analysis and Data Integrations

Expertise within your organization is constantly changing and as you plan out skill development interventions, you'll need to keep your data fresh. 

We will work with your organization to develop the right cadence to evaluate expertise, create systems for ongoing analysis, and integrate this data into your HR and learning tech ecosystem.

For Individuals

Young employee at his laptop
Create Your Expertise Profile

How do you effectively communicate your expertise to take advantage of career opportunities, whether with your current employer or with a future one? Our expertise profiles provide a detailed analysis of your strongest skills, provide you with recommendations for the potential next steps in your career, and tell the story of you in a narrative form. 

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